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This is my son and the inspiration for this web site. He has recently turned 20. He was diagnosed with Autism before his third birthday. I believed that the early detection and the early educational intervention helped him dramatically. I, like most parents had no idea what the word "Autism" meant. What I did was ask a lot of questions and do tons of research. I truly believe that anyone with an autistic person in there care was chosen for this task. Learn all you can, seek out all the support you need and get ready for the journey of a lifetime. You were chosen to be the caretaker of an angel. They need you to guide them and teach them and in return you will be rewarded with the gift of patience and the vision to see the simple things in life. His later teenage years were rough, he started having temper tantrums. He now takes some mild medication and it seems to have taken the edge off. Please, love these kids for who they are. If you were chosen as their caretaker , be proud, you have been entrusted with an Angel. When he was first diagnosed there was no internet so all my research was at the public library. Don't look for a miracle cure, for there aren't any. Be cautious with any type of treatment plan that you hear of. Today, there are vast resources on the web, with many people willing to help you and lead you down the right path. Good Luck to you and God Bless. My Son, My Angel
You will never marry.......But you will never divorce You will never have children.......But you will never lose a child You will never go to college......But you will never have student loans You may never work on your own......But you will lead a full life You will never own a home......But you will never be jealous of those who do You will be looked at as different ......And by God yes you are .......in a wonderful way You will never know hate......You will never know racism For the only colors of any concern to you......Are the ones in the Crayola box Your smile lights up my day You look at the world in a way I have never known Seems to me, we are the different ones Why do we hate......Why do we lie, steal and cheat Did God make a mistake with us or is it genetic I think that the numbers lie It is more like 1 in 250 are Autistic And 249 in 250 are disabled If all humans were autistic There would be no wars just peace Son, you taught me patience You taught me simplicity
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DON'T MOURN FOR US You didn't lose a child to autism. You lost
a child because the child you waited for never came into existence. That isn't
the fault of the autistic child who does exist, and it shouldn't be our burden.
We need and deserve families who can see us and value us for ourselves, not
families whose vision of us is obscured by the ghosts of children who never
lived. Grieve if you must, for your own lost dreams. But don't mourn for us. We
are alive. We are real. And we're here waiting for you. This is a must
read for all touched by autism click here --- Don't mourn for us Web Site
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